Home Gardening (HOW-TO)
We have selected the finest flowers, vegetables, and herbs that can be grown on a balcony, and we provide instructions on how to cultivate them. We also offer smart tips for maximizing plant growth in a limited space, as well as solutions for common balcony issues.
Prevention of Whitefly Attack on Cucumber Plants
Whiteflies are a common issue that can harm cucumber plants by sucking the sap from...
Preventing Leaf and Root Rot Diseases in Tomato Plants
Leaf and root rot disease is very harmful to Tomato plants. But with proper care...
Pineapple Cultivation Method
Pineapple is a nutritious and delicious fruit that plays an important role in the international...
Pest and Disease Control of Pineapple
Pest Control Pineapple Leafhoppers: To control pineapple leafhoppers, mix Imidachloroprid insecticide (e.g. Edmayer or Tido...
Papaya Cultivation Guidelines
Papaya is an ideal summer crop, but it can be cultivated throughout the year. It...
Mangoes can also be Grown in Home Yards
In Bangladesh, the ripest month for mangoes is known as the “honey month.” Mangoes hold...
Keep the Hibiscus Free from Insects and Keep the Plant in Full Bloom
The Hibiscus plant is a common flowering plant found in many homes. It produces colorful flowers that...
Interested in successfully growing fruit trees at home? Make sure to know the essentials.
We only think about planting trees when the first rain falls at the end of...
Information about Managing Garden Pests
Epidemiology and Control Plant diseases can be caused by a variety of factors such as...