How to Repel Insects from My Lemon Tree at Home

How to Repel Insects from My Lemon Tree at Home

Lemons are popular for their juice and have various uses. Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, which boosts immune system activity and helps in wound healing. The citric acid in lemons can reduce calcium excretion and prevent stone disease. Additionally, lemons can alleviate fever symptoms and lower the risk of heart disease. Lemon juice is also effective in treating facial blemishes and acne. Moreover, it aids in weight reduction by burning excess body fat, thus reducing the risk of disease. Anyway, let me share with you how I deal with pests on my lemon trees.

Pest Management:

Insect: Citrus butterfly

Damage pattern:

The caterpillar begins eating from the edge of the leaf and consumes the entire leaf.


Collect and dispose of eggs and leaves with worms by burying them in the ground or burning them. If the infestation is severe, mix 1 ml of Dimicron 100 EC or 1 gram of Sevin 85 SP per liter of water and apply after 10-15 days.

Insect: Red Mite

Damage pattern:

The mite feeds on the green parts of the lemon tree’s leaves and fruit. This causes the leaves to turn yellow and a white coating to appear on the fruit. Tiny mites can be observed moving on the underside of the leaves.


Remove and dispose of affected leaves with spiders. If the infestation is severe, soak the lemon leaves in a mixture of 2 ml of Ethion 46.5 liquid or Neuron 500 liquid per liter of water.

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